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Published:2009/6/19 2:59:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
Battery Condition Meter Calibratio Lead-Acid Battery Lead Calcium RatteryColor Voltage Color VoltageRed 11.6 and below Red 11.6 and belowYellow 11.6 to 12.0 Yellow 11.6 to 12.0Green 12.0 to 13.8 Green 12.0 to 13.5Red 13.5 and higher Red 13.5 and higher
Charging voltage is constant at the normal full-charge level, so the charging current drops as full oharge is approached, and full charge is maintained with a trickle current. The charging voltage can be adjusted between approximately 10 and 15 Vdc to accommodate lead-acid (13.8 V) or lead-cal-ciurn (13.2V, 13.5V maximum) deep-cycle storage batteries.A separate connection is provided so that an extemal charger can be used when greater than 3 A is needed to charge a pa'rtially discharged battery. Intemal circuitry will maintain the charging volt-age to the battery at the nominal full-charge voltage level, regardless of the voltage supplied by the external charger, which will be 2V or more greater than that applied by the regulator to the storage battery. Warning: do not fast-charge deep-cycle storage batteries!A pair of meters calibrated to indicate 20 Vdc and 20 Adc full-scale monitor voltage and current when battery power is used.A separate, suppressed zero, expanded-scale meter calibrated over the range of about 10 to 15 Vdc allows immediate and constant indication of the state of charge of the station's backup battery.This meter scale is calibrated in bands of red, yellow, and green, as explained in the table. The nar-row yellow segment is based on the assurnption that solid-state transceivers might not operate prop-erly below +12 Vdc. The intemal power supply is used to calibrate this meter. A DMM should be used for greatest accuracy.An alarm circuit is included to indicate when the battery has been discharged by 60 percent tothe 11.6-Vdc level When battery voltage IS above 11.6 V, the green LED will be illuminated;when voltage falls to 11.6V, the green LED goes out and the red LED lights A piezo audible alarm soundsat this low voltage level unless silenced by the toggle switch controlling it.A pair offixed three-terminal regulators are included to provide+9 and+6 Vdc
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