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Published:2011/8/1 3:22:00 Author:Zoey | Keyword: High-performance, Infrared, Remote Switch | From:SeekIC
This transmitter uses a connected 555 multi-vibrator to drive the infrared infrared lauch tube, the vibrator's oscillation frequency is about 36kHz and its positive current is about 60mA. The receiver is composed of a infrared receiver head, a pre-amplification and detection circuit, an amplification and bistable circuit and a SCR control circuit. The specilized infrared integrated block KA2818 consists of a pre-amplification, tuning, detection, AGC waveform correction circuit, which inputs negative pulse wave. IC2 is a voice control integrated block SL517A, it has such functions as amplification, trigger flipand drive, etc. Everytime it receives infrared signal, the circuir will filp one time, and the SCR will change its state one time.
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