Published:2009/7/14 0:44:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
Transformer provides isolated base drive for high-speed high-power TRW SVT6062 power Darlington Q2. When 12-V secondary switches positive, C1 charges rapidly, after which base drive current is maintained at level determined by base-emitter voltage of Q2 and value of R1. During turnoff, transformer secondary goes to zero due to shorting of transformer primary by O3 and Q4. Base of Q1 is then forward-biased by capacitor and turned on, discharging C1 through base-emitter path of Q2-D. Roark, Base Drive Considerations in High Power Switching Transistors, TRW Power Semiconductors, Lawndale, CA, 1975, Application Note No. 120, p 6.
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