Published:2009/7/13 23:33:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
MCl0102 ECL quad NOR gate provides convenient switching between two crystal oscillators, as required for change from receive to transmit in transceiver. Output level of about 0.8 V P-P can easily drive 50-ohm load and is fully buffered from oscillator sections. Gate A provides bias for oscillator gates B and C. Use 270 ohms for R1-R3, Crystals are fifth overtone; YB is 81.6 MHz with 97 nH for LB and 39 pF for CB, and YC is 76.25 MHz with 104 nH for LC and 39 pF for CC.-G. Griesmyer, Clocked CMOS One-Shot Has No RC Time Constant, EDN Magazine, May 20, 1978, p 164 and 172.
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