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Published:2014/2/6 21:42:00 Author:lynne | Keyword: Practical pressure regulating system circuit diagram, | From:SeekIC
Practical pressure regulating system circuit diagram shown in Fig.:
A practical circuit pressure regulating system is shown in Fig . +12 V power supply through 78L05 (IC2) to get +5 V voltage , a separate power supply to the MPX5100 . The remaining circuits are used +12 V power supply. MC33033 (IC1) for the motor controller , MC34272 (IC3) is a dual op amp ( currently only one op amp ) . To improve efficiency, the motor drive circuit uses a MPM3002 -drive module internally by two P -channel power FET (V1, V2) and two N -channel power MOSFETs (V3, V4) bridge consisting of H , drive current up to 4A. Can drive DC brush motors. To avoid system noise or small pressure fluctuations caused by measurement error , but also specifically to increase the hysteresis circuit using MC33033 internal error amplifier and an external resistor R8 ~ R10, there is a lag effect constitutes a comparator . Its working principle is to open the motor when Uo <UREF time ; With the rising pressure of the pool , when the sensor output voltage is equal to the reference voltage hysteresis voltage (UH) the sum , ie Uo = UREF + UH when the motor is turned off , the system pressure reduction . Thereafter , the sensor output voltage will always be equal to the reference voltage drop when the motor turned up . Take R8 = R9 = 10kΩ, R10 = 300kΩ , the hysteresis voltage of 0.3V, corresponding to 7.5kPa lag pressure. Circuit switch S can be used to control the motor forward or reverse .
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