Published:2009/7/14 1:42:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
A circuit diagram for a mini battery-powered version of roulette is shown, This circuit uses a 4017 decade counter (IC2) driving 10 LEDs. Because only one LED is ever illuminated at any one time, a common limiting resistor R4 is used. They can also be placed in alternating red/green order for added effect. The counter IC2 is clocked by IC1, a classic 555 timer connected as an astable.When the SPIN button is pressed and then released, full speed is achieved, and then the display gradually slows down until it stops on a single number. Capacitor C2 governs the oscillator speed, and resistor R3 prevents instability when the LED rotation stops. The piezo disk transducer, X1, is placed on the output of the oscillator to provide a sound effect.
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