Published:2011/8/1 22:24:00 Author:Michel | Keyword: LC Oscillator Circuit | From:SeekIC
The picture 1 is inductance three-point LC oscillator circuit.Inductance coil L1 and L2 is a coil and 2 point is middle tap.If we suppose that the collector current decreases at a moment and the coil's instantaneous polarity is shown as the picture 1.The triode in the left usescommon-base configuration thus it makes net input of emitter junction decrease and collector current decrease,which is accordwith positive feedback's phase condition.The picture 2is another kind of inductance Bikini LC oscillator circuit.
Pic ture 1:InductanceThree-point Oscillator(CB)
Picture 2:Inductance Three-point LC Oscillator(CE)
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