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Published:2009/7/4 19:58:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
National LM3089 IC and LM1310 PLL FM stereo demodulator provide all circuits required between FM tuner and inputs to power amplifiers of stereoreceivor Use of 10.7- MHz ceramic filters eliminates all but one IF alignment step. AFC output from pin 7 of IF strip drives center-tune meter.Wide bandwidth of detector and audio stage in IF strip is more than adequate for stereo receivers. Audio stage can be muted by input voltage to pin 5. Demodulator lC includes automatic stereo/monaural switching and l00-mA stereo indicator lamp driver. Optional 300-pF capacitor on pin 6 of LM3089 can be used to limit bandwidth.- Audio Handbook, National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA, 1977, p 3-18-3-23.
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