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Published:2009/7/8 20:50:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
Micro Networks MN2200 instrumentation amplifier is used with strain gage to create digital-readout torque wrench.Strain gages having nominal impedance of 120 ohms are bonded to torque-sensing member at 450 to longitudinal axis, so gages in opposite bridge arms are under simultaneous tension or compression for given direction of torque.Bridge power is taken from 5-V digital panel meter supply. Instrumentation amplifier will work with any voltage from ±5 to ±15 V. Variable gain-adjust resistor G (l0-turn 50K pot) is set so DPM reads 200 ft-lb of torque at full scale in increments of 0.1 ft-lb.-R. Dulls, Instrumentation Amplifiers-They're Great Problem Solvers When Correctly Applied, EDN Magazine, Sept. 5, 1977, p 133-135.
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