Published:2009/7/13 4:33:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
Used in instrument designed to trigger up to five individual flash units at equal increments of time that can rangefrom 11 ms to 11s, as required for such assignments as taking sequence photographs of springboard diver in flight. Transistors Tr1, Tr2, and Tr3 form monostable MVBR that is switched to unstable state by negative pulse applied to base of Tr2 by SCR1 when camera shutter contacts FL1 are closed. Timing circuit Tr4-Tr5-Tr6 provides ramp output at A for feeding voltage-operated switches set to trip at different points of ramp waveform as required for triggering flashes in sequence. Article gives all circuits and setup procedure. Regulated 19.5-V supply is required.-R. Lewis, Multi-Flash Trigger Unit, Wireless World, Nov. 1973, p 529-532.
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