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Published:2009/6/25 21:46:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
This circuit will allow you to set the gain of two stereo channels to the same level. The signal across the two channel-load resistors is sampled by resistors R2. (Values of these re-sistors will depend upon the power leveL) For most 20 milliampere LED, use approximately 2.5 K per watt. (For a 10-watt system use a 25,000 ohm resistor.) To set up, short the two inputs and connect them to one channel of a power amplifier. Apply a signal and adjust R3 until both LEDs glow at the same brightness level. The balancer is ready for use. Connect the inputs of the stereo balancer across the output of the power amplifier, and then turn up either the independent volume controls, or the balance control until both LEDs glow at the same level. To use this circuit in-line with loudspeakers, disconnect both R1s, and use the speakers as the load.
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