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Published:2009/6/18 5:12:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
The circuit shown will square the input signal and deliver the result as an output current.Full-scale input is 10V,but this can be changed simply by changing the value of the 100-kQ input resis-tor.As in the square root Gircuit, the -15-V supply is used as the reference. In this case, however, a 1% shift in supply voltage produces a 1% shift in the output signal.The 150-kQ resistor across the base-emitter of 1/2LM394 provides slight temperature compensation of the reference current from the -15-V supply.For improved accuracy at low input signal levels,the offset voltage of the LM301A should be zeroed out,and a 100-kQ resistor should be inserted in the positive input to provide input to provide optimum dc balance.
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