Published:2009/7/11 2:31:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
Uses only two Signetics 8223 256-bit PROMs for storing up to 2048 bits of code information, for automatic generation of Morse-code CQ calls, test messages, and other frequently used messages. Repeated words are stored in only one location and selected as needed, to quadruple capacity of memory. PROMs can be programmed in field or custom-programmed by manufacturer.Speed and timing of code characters are deter.mined by UJT oscillator 01, variablefrom about 4 to 40 Hz or 5 to 50 WPM. CR1 and CR2 are Archer (Radio Shack) 276-042 orequivalent. CR3 is 1N34A, 1N270, or equivalent germanium. Q1 is Motorola MU4891 or equivalent. Article describes circuit operation and programming in detail-J. Pollock, A Digital Morse Code Syn thesizer, QST, Feb. 1976, p 37-41.
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