Published:2013/6/27 21:04:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: 6-transistor, H-bridge | From:SeekIC
This is the six transistor Tilden style H-bridge; while not as old as the original basic H-bridge, this goes way back, and is the basis for many BEAM driver circuits
Up to 800 mA capacity (using PN2222 and PN2907 transistors)
30 connections per bridge (so, 30 holes if you make a PCB)
Not smoke-proof (i.e., it can't handle drive voltage in both directions at once)
You can read the original Tilden article (complete with ASCII art) here.
This circuit comes in two flavors -- one triggers on positive input (non-inverting), the other triggers on negative input (inverting).
FreeformingCourtesy of Bruce Robinson, here are diagrams for free-forming both the inverting and non-inverting flavors of this circuit (note that these are drawn dead bug style, i.e., with leads up ):
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