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Published:2011/6/7 5:40:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 555, handheld, simple, money detector | From:SeekIC
This money detector circuit uses the time base circuit 555 as the core, it is composed of a 20kHz multivibrator, a pressurization transformer driver stage and a ultraviolet light tube, as the figure 15-43 shows.
The astable multivibrator is composed of the time base circuit 555 and the R1, R2, C2.etc, it outputs the 20kHz oscillation pulse wave, the frequency fc=1.44/(R1+2R2)C3.
The output of 555's pin-3 turns on the LED1 and drives the power tube VT1, the collector electrode pressurization transformer T's secondary stage can produce the high frequency voltage of near 1000V to turns on the UV light.
The UV light can use the lamp of 4W or 6W, the wavelength is 380 to 420nm.
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