Published:2009/7/15 4:31:00 Author:Jessie | From:SeekIC
Frequency and pulse width are selected independently in decade steps with rotary switches. Vemier controls provide fine tuning and allow f up to 20% overlap of ranges. Rise and fall times are 100 ns or better. Both positive and negative outputs are provided, each adjustable from 0 to 10 V. S2 gives choice of continuous or single-pulse operation, and pushbutton S4 provides single-pulse outputs. μA710 comparator connected as astable MVBR provides trigger inputs for DM8850 retriggerable mono. Article gives circuit details and design equations.-C. Brogado, Versatile Inexpensive Pulse Generator, EDN|EEE Magazine, Oct. 1,1971, p 37-38.
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