Published:2011/7/8 3:25:00 Author:Fiona | Keyword: The CAN total line interface, vortex flowmeter | From:SeekIC
CAN total line is a serial data communication protocol,in CAN total line communication interface integrates the CAN protocol's the physical layer and data link layer,it can accomplish the process of framing to the communication data.The author is regard SJA1000 as Flowmeter's CAN controller,it is connected to the I/O of CPU(SCM) immediately so that it composes CAN total line of PCA82C250.This contruction is very easy to achieve sending and receiving information of CAN network nodes,thus achieves on-site control.SJA1000's AD0~AD7 is connected to MSP420F149's P0,INT is connectedto P1.0,/CS is connectedto P1.1,/RD is connected to P1.2,/WR is connected to P1.3,ALE is connected to P1.4,after being respectively connected through two high-speed optocoupler CNW137 and PCA82C250,TX0 and RX0 of SJA1000 are connected to the CAN total line.
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