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Published:2011/6/13 8:05:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: TV, antenna, amplifier | From:SeekIC
The TV antenna amplifier circuit is as shown, the input loop is composed of the L1 and C1, and it plays the frequency selection and the impedance matching function. The first level of the amplifier uses the common emitter - common base amplifier circuit, this kind of circuit has the advantages of high stability and small noise coefficient. The second and third stages of the amplifier are the common emitter circuit, each stage has the tuning circuit. In order to make the amplifier to have the wide pass band, the tuning circuit uses the staggered tuning and adds the resistances R14, R6 and R10 in the oscillation loop. The potentiometer RP1 can be used to adjust the gain of the amplifier.
Figure 15-41 The circuit of the TV antenna amplifier
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