Published:2009/7/17 2:45:00 Author:Jessie | From:SeekIC
Positive and negative feedback to bridge-type transformer coupled input circuit provides high-impedance looting differential input in d-c to 25-kc amplifier. Bridge balances out commonmode signals that arise in data acquisition systems, where pre-amplifier ground may be hundreds of feet from transducer ground. Floating output delivers low voltage at high current for recorder or analog-to-digital converter. Linearity is within 15 microvolts from d-c to 25 kc. Chopper stabilization keeps input d-c drift below 0.5 microvolt during 40-hour run.-R. S. Burwen, Amplifiers for Strain Gages and Thermocouples, Electron, ics, 32:30, p 43-45.
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