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Published:2009/7/14 5:27:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
Used in high-quality stereo cassette deck operating from AC line or battery. Amplifier design is optimized for mini-mum noise voltage by using PNP silicon input transistor operated with lowest possible collector current (10μA for Texas Instruments transistor specified). Motorola IC in second stage, similar to 741 but having 8-pin metal-can en-capsulation, provides equalization required for replay. Output of amplifier is about 0.4 VRMS. Article gives all other circuits of cassette deck and describes operation in detail.-J. L. Linsley Hood, Low-Noise, Low-Cost Cassette Deck, Wireless World, Part 1-May 1976, p 36-40 Part2-June 1976, p 62-66; Part3-Aug. 1976, p 55-561.
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