Published:2011/7/10 3:30:00 Author:leo | Keyword: Signal chip, 24 pin package | From:SeekIC
LA458lMB is a type of signal chip playback integrated circuit produced by Sanyo Company. It is widely used in HS-T series, Sony FX series and Sanyo GP series walk man.
1.LA458lMB inner circuit diagram and pin functions:LA458lMB has dual channel fronted head amplifier that a common stereo player has, power amplifier which is used by earphone driving, head channel converting F/R electronic switch circuit (which is used to automatically change the orientations and so on). LA458lMB uses 24 pin package and its pin functions are shown in the picture:
2.Main parameters:Its voltage coverage is 2 V to 5.5 V and the work voltage is 3V. The picture gives Adware series player circuit.
3.Its classic applying circuit Picture 1-1 shows its classic applying circuit.
4.Work process
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