Published:2009/6/30 1:29:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
Unknown voltage is successively compared to reference voltage for determining each digital bit. After determining bit, voltage difference between unknown and reference is operated on, then sent to successive stages to determine less significant bit. Resulting digital output is in Gray-code form. Eight identical circuits are operated in cascade to provide 8-bit A/D converter having accuracy within 1 LSB and full-scale.range of 0-8 V. Circuh requires only two MC1456CG opamps per stage, with MPS6514 transistor as comparator.Switching diode CR1 is MSD6100, and CR2 is MSD6150,Other dioodes are 1N914,—JBarnes, Analog-to-Digitai Cyclic Converter, Motorola, Phoenix, AZ, 1974, AN-557、P 7.
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