Published:2011/8/2 2:59:00 Author:Amy From:SeekIC
By Dr. Thomas Scherer
What can LabVIEW do?
LabVIEW has practically everything one would expect from a normal programming language: all the usual variable types from bits through double-precision floating-point to arrays and compound types. Even complex numbers are available. It can in some cases calculate directly with physical units. The usual constants from e to the gas constant R are available to high accuracy. Of course, all the usual control structures can be implemented using various types of loops and other commands: it is not compulsory simply to execute everything in parallel.
Debugging is possible using single-stepping and semi-automatically. Values of selected variables can be displayed at any time using so-called ’probes’ (analogous to test points in electronics). Memory allocation can also be controlled.
The most outstanding feature of LabVIEW, however, is the incredible number of ready-made Vis for practically any application. There is the full range of usual mathematical operations including trigonometric and logarithmic functions, as well as an arsenal of Vis for string and array processing, and for file I/O. Of particular interest to electronics engineers will be the wealth of filtering functions offering all the usual filter characteristics with adjustable parameters. There are also Vis for spectrum analysis (FFTs) and complex waveform-related functions such as peak detection. Results can be displayed using two-dimensional display units (analogous to an oscilloscope) or in three dimensions. Simple database and statistical functions are also available.
The importance of integrated support for communications protocols and various types of bus should not be underestimated. Not only are GPIB, CAN and serial ports supported, but there is also a complete set of Internet protocols. It is therefore straightforward to implement remote measurement and control applications, without having to learn a great deal about network technologies. Last but not least v/e should mention the large number of data acquisition cards available with PCI or PXI interfaces. There is no major vendor of such cards that does not offer a driver for LabVIEW, allowing one to configure and use a card in a hardware-independent fashion using abstract Vis. Figure 2 shows some of the typical LabVIEW tool palettes with their corresponding Vis.
If the functions built in to LabVIEW are not sufficient, there are many software companies that offer optimized ’tool sets’ for specific areas, such as the chemical industry, electronics for the construction industry, quality control, automotive technology, vibration analysis, image processing, video monitoring etc. It is possible to write your own low-level Vis in C and integrate them: examples and support are available.
On the subject of support: early versions of LabVIEW came with about half a metre of manuals, but today all the documentation is provided on CD or in the form of context-sensitive help, so that with a little experience you will practically never need to look anything up.
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