Published:2010/12/10 3:17:00 Author:Li xiao na From:SeekIC
The security industry has developed for thirty years, which has becomes a part in people’s life. With the development of IT industry, the information technology has entered different areas. From the point of technology, the information has mixed with the high-definition, remote monitoring and network; from the view of market, the security industry will have so many opportunities for people in the IT area. The networking makes this industry transparent, so anyone in the related area is able find the secret easily. The networking also influences price of the products. I will list some examples to explain the influence in the below.
First is the conversion from simulation to digitalization. The digital technology has so many advantages when compared with the traditional simulated technology; therefore, its application on the shot equipment is a must. The technology of the shot machine is comparatively mature, which do not have so much technical barrier. New corporations are entering this industry, so the price will also decline in the future.
Second is the DVR. The fierce competition gives birth to many new products to serve this industry, such as the DVR and NVR. The DVR can not adapt the constantly changing demand, if the updating is not taken. Furthermore, the information technology is progressing, so the performance of the DVR is improved. More and more competitors make its price low.
Third is the chip which makes the high-identity and intelligence real. With the maturity of the compression techniques, the cost of the chip is reducing, and the 4CIF becomes the mainstream. The content of the previous video is based on the computer’s post process which is able to lighten people’s burden, but can not find out the sudden occurrence. The DSP make the analyses of the video come true. The related integrated circuit is TA2009.
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