Published:2010/8/26 19:22:00 Author:Michelle From:SeekIC
By the year 2010, the fourth version has been put into practise, which is changing the providing and consuming mode to make the influence that consumers will have on the future automotive electronic. In the following years, consumers will have much more influence than ever before.
The fourth version design stands for an entire new platform in the auto sphere, which will enable consumers to add any functions and characters they want without any limitations. In turn, this is the first version that implemented inside of the car and is not defined in advance. Therefore, responsibility and positions for both manufacturers and consumers have changed in a large scale. These new changes, for example, are main embodied in aspects of operation and software, which will open up many fields. As a result, it will increase more contents to auto use.
Some advanced auto manufactures are confronted with a series of challenges. Differences are not obvious if the numbers of certain functions. In the fourth version, however, designers will be partly or holy replaced if they can not overcome some difficulties. Manufactures of first-class must take three factors into consideration. First is that the system must include video display and feedback; second is that it must be flexible in music input and output; third is that it must have direct visual effect for both drivers and passengers so that all the voice and video can be controlled.
In addition, there is a function that is becoming more and more important for auto entertainment, that is the sound control. Drivers must have a desire to get a better control of the music, telephone book and map, and the voice control function is a perfect tool to distract their attention and it has been the first engine to be considered.
It is good news for manufactures that the cost of entertainment will be reduced for the fourth version is based on software. However, it is difficult to get profit because consumers have the dominant demands in the auto entertainment. Related chip is:2SJ502 .
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